2022 UVM Catamount Farm Wholesale Apple Orders
Please use this form to order apples for departmental (chart string / purcard) purchases. Sales will be completed through Quickbooks. Orders will be checked weekly on Mondays by noon. You will receive a follow up email to confirm or collect other information, if needed. Questions? tbradsha@uvm.edu.
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Name *
Department *
Email *
Delivery or Pickup? *
Deliveries will be made to UVM campus addresses on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Delivery / pickup date / time *
All persons picking up on the farm must wear masks and comply with basic UVM safety protocols.
Delivery location (if selected)
Specific building and room #
# Bushels ordered *
Wholesale apples are sold only by the unsorted, field-packed bushel (~40 lb, or ~100-120) apples
# Bushels ordered
One more option, if multiple varieties desired
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# Bushels ordered
One more option, if multiple varieties desired. Resubmit this form if you still need more.
Clear selection
Preferred varieties
Varieties change regularly, but we can typically count on the following to be available (beginning date): McIntosh (9/10); Gala (9/10); Cortland (9/17); Speckles (9/24); Empire (10/1); Liberty (10/1)
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